Are you ready to have a baby? You are? Great! However, keeping track of your menstrual cycle is a long tedious procedure, not to mention those early morning temperature measuring. Introducing Temp Pal, your thermal guardian angel.
Client: iweecare
Creative Direction / Script
Story Board / Animation
2D Animation / 1:29 min / Jun 2016

To find a connection between the product and the target audience, I had to understand both of them first. Take the first video for example. The target audience was women planning for pregnancy. I found out that in order to know the precise moment of the beginning of ovulation period, you had to wake up early in the morning to take a 5-minute temperature measurement. Imagine doing that for one to two months continuously. That was the problems I identified and the problem that the product could solve, hence the connection.
Once I found the connection, I could then develop a story based on that connection. The strategy of the storytelling was to point out the problem at the very beginning to catch the attention of the potential customer, creating a resonation. Then we introduced the product to the audience with its pros to keep their attention. Lastly, in an attempt to seal the deal, I showed them how their situation could be improved with the product.

early narrative demo for Mom episode
iWEECARE hoped to design a character based on the product. Since the product was too tiny to be aware of its existence and it was also attached to our body, monitoring our temperature all the time, the concept of a guardian angel began to form, As a result, Temp Pal was created. I set Temp Pal as the narrator of the whole videos and made interaction with the audience from time to time. My favorite part was when the camera zoomed in on the cradle in a way like an audience was marching towards it, Temp Pal stopped the audience and the movement of the camera became like tip toeing. Through this style, it was more friendly and intimate as well as adding playfulness into the story.
Like most of the animation with narrative, I made the recording before the animating process. To ensure the voice actress delivers the personality and emotion I desired, I made a demo recording in advance. This was also a critical procedure to make sure the length and the tempo of the narrative meet the client's expectation so we could get the green light for the official recording.

To establish a warm and harmonious atmosphere, we created a style with simple graphics outlines while highlighted the details with mid-saturated colors. The animation was designed to be fun and lovable so we gave Temp Pal several humanlike behaviors such as writing a note or dancing. The overall success was that the viewer can comprehend the message that we sent in a relaxing mood.