One man, one bucketlist, one summer
Summer was coming and COVID-19 seemed to take a break as well. Keolis wanted to grab the opportunity to promote its summer deal by encouraging people to take more public transportation to engage in all sorts of summer activities. But there are so many things you can do in summer. Whoever can do it all must be a Super Summer Hero!
Super Zomer Deals
Client: Keolis
Creative concept / Graphic design / Motion graphic design /Social media content
2021 July

"That reminds me of something"
Keolis wanted to come up with a creative and fun way to encourage people to take more public transportation during summertime. During the brainstorming section, the idea of a summer bucket list was formed. It's a list of things we would like to do before summer ends. "Well, whoever is able to finish this long list is a superhero." said one of the Crowd. "That's it! A super summer hero who aims to finish all the list." "Yeah, and he needs a super hero entrance." Upon hearing this sentence, I started to form a connection with the video of Homer Simpsons getting dressed in a dramatic way.
"That's it! This is the entrance we want!"

Once the reference video was presented, everyone was excited about the idea. The story and character started to form. The hero is a super-nerdy father type who is very passionate about summer and he plans to do lots of things in summer. The data kept coming in to George and images start to generate. First was a reference sheet for the projectmanger to look for actor and props. Once the color tone and type of props were agreed by art director, a sketch of the super summer hero was born as well.

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